Graphixia 106: American Splendor – What’s In A Name?
Originally posted at graphixia 5 March 2013. My fellow Graphixians have focused mainly on adaptation into (or between) the medium...
Originally posted at graphixia 5 March 2013. My fellow Graphixians have focused mainly on adaptation into (or between) the medium...
NEW COMIC ALERT! Truth & Dare – A collaborative zine & comic book by myself and Michael Gratzke....
As we all have a lot more time to spend at home in various stages of COVID-19 lockdown...
My latest post for Graphixia is an appreciation of Fiona Smyth. It’s not a spoiler to say that...
David Robertson, who is the creator behind Fred Egg Comics, has asked me to be a guest artist in...
I mentioned a couple of months ago that I was taking part in Creative Dundee‘s Pecha Kucha Global Night...
I received my contributor copies of the Double Nickels Forever the other day, and I have to say...
This review was originally written in November 2012 for Dundee University Review of the Arts. Comics, Manga &...
I’m on this month’s Book Talk panel from the Scottish Book Trust. I joined host Sasha de Buyl and...
I have always considered Oliver East to be an artist who just happens to be using comics as...