Comics Unconference
I am one of the organisers behind the Scottish Comics Unconference Meet-up in Glasgow on Febraury 28th. More...
I am one of the organisers behind the Scottish Comics Unconference Meet-up in Glasgow on Febraury 28th. More...
At the end of last year I contributed a 4-page strip to Double Nickels Forever a Minutemen tribute...
Rough sketches for Warren Craghead’s doublenickelsforever project. Chosen song – No Exchange
I have always considered Oliver East to be an artist who just happens to be using comics as...
In the mid ’90s I was SERIOUSLY into the New Bomb Turks, as can be seen in this old...
This year for 30 Days of Comics I was keen to explore a continuous narrative but also wanted...
A quick round up of various activities from last week. I posted my first proper contribution to the...
Last Thursday I attended screenings of two documentaries about very different aspects of comic book culture at the...
Popped over to Glasgow yesterday to check out the latest exhibition by Mitch Miller at Market Gallery in...