Graphixia post – I wasn’t expecting The End Of The Fucking World
Well, that was unexpected. The continuity announcer on Channel 4 (one of the 5 UK ‘terrestrial’ channels) just...
Well, that was unexpected. The continuity announcer on Channel 4 (one of the 5 UK ‘terrestrial’ channels) just...
In some very exciting news DeeCAP is excited to join forces with Scottish Ensemble, a dynamic string orchestra...
My latest post for Graphixia is an appreciation of Fiona Smyth. It’s not a spoiler to say that...
David Robertson, who is the creator behind Fred Egg Comics, has asked me to be a guest artist in...
I mentioned a couple of months ago that I was taking part in Creative Dundee‘s Pecha Kucha Global Night...
I received my contributor copies of the Double Nickels Forever the other day, and I have to say...
Tomorrow night (20/2/2015) I will doing a presentation at the Pecha Kucha Global Night hosted by Creative Dundee. This...
This review was originally written in November 2012 for Dundee University Review of the Arts. Comics, Manga &...
I’m on this month’s Book Talk panel from the Scottish Book Trust. I joined host Sasha de Buyl and...
I am going to repost some posts from my old blog The Adventures of Ticking Boy as well as...